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- 5 rem dec. 19, 1983
- 6 poke 53280,8:poke53281,0
- 10 print"[147] lunar lander"
- 20 print" (c) copyright 1983"
- 30 print" by anthony wood"
- 50 poke55,248:poke56,157:rem 40440
- 60 clr:s=54272
- 100 v=53248:s1=64*13:s2=64*14:s3=64*15:k=2040:sr=40444
- 110 forz=0to39:reada:poke40456+z,a
- 120 pokes2+z,a:pokes3+z,a:next
- 130 for z=40to62:reada:poke40456+z,a:next
- 132 forz=40to62:reada:pokes2+z,a:next
- 134 forz=40to62:reada:pokes3+z,a:next
- 135 forz=1to63*3:reada:poke40518+z,a:next
- 137 forz=0to13:reada:poke40441+z,a:next
- 138 sys40441
- 139 fu=5000:f2=0:l1=0:l2=0:sc=0:gosub700
- 140 gosub900:pokev+39,1:pokek,13:pokev,0:pokev+1,0:pokev+21,1
- 150 h=15:e=5:x=30+int(rnd(0)*100):y=30:f(0)=13:f(1)=13:f(2)=14
- 160 f(3)=15:m=1
- 200 j=peek(56320):p=peek(197):iffu=0thenb=0:m=1:pokes+1,0:goto220
- 210 ifp=60or(jand16)=0thenb=b+1:goto213
- 211 b=0:m=1:pokes+4,0
- 213 ifm<>1thenpokes+4,129
- 215 if p=7or(jand4)=0thenh=h-1:print"<<":fu=fu-1
- 216 if p=2or(jand8)=0thenh=h+1:print">>":fu=fu-1
- 220 gosub760:ifb=6orb=1thenm=m+1
- 240 e=e+gr-m*1.65:fu=fu-(m-1)*10:iffu<0thenfu=0
- 245 x=x+int(h/6):y=y+int(e/5)
- 250 ifx<5thenx=5
- 252 ify>251theny=252:gosub800:y=35:x=29:fu=5000:f2=1:gosub5000
- 255 ify<35theny=35:e=3
- 256 ifx>319thenx=319
- 260 pokek,13:z=peek(v+31):gosub800
- 266 ifpeek(v+31)<>0then300
- 270 pokek,f(m-fl):iffl=0thenfl=1:goto200
- 280 fl=0:goto200
- 300 iff2=1then440
- 310 ify<149then270
- 320 ify<227 orx<099or x>123 ore>9orabs(h)>10then330
- 322 if l1=1andl2=1then330
- 325 y=227:gosub800:sc=sc+100:l2=1
- 327 goto400
- 330 ify<177 orx<197 orx>203 ore>9 orabs(h)>10then340
- 335 y=179:gosub800:sc=sc+500:l1=1:goto400
- 340 pokes+4,129:v2=11:pokesr,63+8:sys40441:gosub820:pokesr,126+8:sys40441
- 350 gosub840:pokesr,189+8:sys40441:gosub840:pokes+4,0:pokes+24,15:pokes+1,2
- 360 pokev+21,0:pokesr,8:sys40441:goto410
- 400 pokes+4,0:gosub750:print" landed!!"
- 410 geta$:ifa$<>"[136]"then410
- 415 pokev+21,0:print" "
- 420 iffu=0then 460
- 425 iff2=1theny=10:x=29:e=5:h=0:gosub5000:pokev,x:pokev+1,y:pokev+21,1:goto160
- 435 goto140
- 440 ifx<230orx>242ory<121ory>130ore>9orabs(h)>11then340
- 450 f2=0:sc=sc+1000:l1=0:l2=0:fu=4500:goto400
- 460 print"[147]":print:print"do you want to play again?"
- 470 geta$:ifa$=""then470
- 480 ifa$="y"then139
- 490 ifa$<>"n"then470
- 500 pokes+4,0:print"[147]":end
- 700 print:print:print" enter gravity strength (1[146],2[146], or 3[146])"
- 701 pokes+5,129:pokes+6,216:pokes+24,15 .
- 702 pokes,200:pokes+4,0:pokes+1,2
- 710 geta$:ifa$=""then710
- 715 ifa$="1"thengr=3:return
- 720 ifa$="2"thengr=3.6:return
- 730 ifa$="3"thengr=4.25:return
- 740 goto710
- 750 print"score";sc;
- 760 print" ";tab(28);"fuel [157][157][157][157][157]";fu;:return
- 800 pokev+1,y:ifx<256thenpokev,x:pokev+16,0:return
- 810 pokev,x-256:poke53264,127:return
- 820 pokes+1,3:forx=1to4:pokes+24,v2:fory=1to15:next:v2=v2+1
- 830 next:return
- 840 forx=1to7:pokes+24,v2:fory=1to9:next:v2=v2-1:next:return
- 900 print"[147]":gosub750:print:fory=0to9:a=rnd(0)
- 910 ifa>.3thenprinttab(rnd(0)*39);"."
- 920 if a<=.3thenprint
- 930 next:print:print:print
- 1000 print" [169][223][146] "
- 1100 print" [169] [223][146] "
- 1200 print" [169] [223][146] "
- 1300 print" [169] [223][146] "
- 1400 print" [169] [146] "
- 1500 print" [169] 500 [223][146]"
- 1600 print" [169] [223][146] [169] [146] "
- 1700 print" [169] [146] [169] [223][146] "
- 1800 print" [169] [223][146] [169] [146] "
- 1900 print" [169] [223][146] [169] [223][146]"
- 1910 print" 100 [146]";
- 1920 ifl2=1andl1=1thenprint"[223][146] [169][146]";
- 1930 return
- 1999 rem lander sprites
- 2000 data 0,255,0,0,255,0,7,255,224,7
- 2010 data 255,224,7,255,224,0,255,0,0,255
- 2020 data 0,15,255,240,15,255,240,15,255,240
- 2030 data 3,255,192,3,60,192,6,126,96,12
- 2040 rem no flame
- 2050 data 0,48,24,0,24,0,0,0,0,0
- 2060 data 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- 2070 rem small flame
- 2080 data 0,48,24,60,24,0,102,0,0,60
- 2090 data 0,0,24,0,0,24,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- 2100 rem big flame
- 2110 data 0,48,24,126,24,0,219,0,0,219
- 2120 data 0,0,102,0,0,60,0,0,24,0,0,24,0
- 2130 rem explosion
- 2140 data 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- 2150 data 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- 2160 data 64,0,6,72,0,0,24,0
- 2170 data 12,224,0,0,228,0,0,0
- 2180 data 0,13,80,0,0,0,0,0
- 2190 data 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- 2200 data 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- 2210 rem frame 2 of explosion
- 2220 data 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- 2230 data 0,0,128,0,24,131,0,24
- 2240 data 3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- 2250 data 48,224,0,48,227,0,0,0
- 2260 data 0,0,0,0,28,0,0,24
- 2270 data 152,0,2,8,0,0,64,0
- 2280 data 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- 2290 rem frame 3 of explosion
- 2300 data 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- 2310 data 0,0,128,128,24,129,0,24
- 2320 data 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- 2330 data 64,0,0,64,0,112,0,0
- 2340 data 0,0,0,0,32,0,208,32
- 2350 data 0,0,0,0,0,0,2,0
- 2360 data 4,65,0,4,64,128,0,0
- 2370 data 0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- 2380 rem block move
- 2390 data 162,0,189,8,158,157,64,3,232
- 2400 data 224,63,208,245,96
- 4999 rem draw cave
- 5000 print"[147]":gosub750:print:pokes+4,0:pokes+1,2
- 5005 print" "
- 5010 print" "
- 5020 print" "
- 5030 print" "
- 5040 print" "
- 5050 print" [146][169] [223][169] [223] [146][169] [223] "
- 5060 print" [146] "
- 5065 print" [146] "
- 5070 print" [146] "
- 5080 print" [146] [175][175][175][175] "
- 5090 print" [146] "
- 5100 print" 1000 [146][169] "
- 5200 print" [146][169] "
- 5210 print" [146][169] "
- 5220 print" [146][169] "
- 5230 print" [223][169][223][169][223][169][223][169][223] [146][169][223] [146][169][223][169][223] [146][169][223][169] "
- 5240 print" [223][169] [169] [146]"
- 5250 print" [169] [146]"
- 5260 print" [169] [146]"
- 5270 print" [169] [146]"
- 5280 print" [169] [146]"
- 5285 print" [169][223][146] [146]"
- 5290 print" [146]"
- 5295 print" [146]";
- 5300 print"";tab(38);" [157] [157] [157] [157] [157] [157] [157] [157] [157] [157] [157] [157] [157] [157] [157] [146]";
- 6000 return